Friday, February 6, 2009

Ayumi's ex-boyfriend is becoming her stepfather

Ayumi's ex-boyfriend is becoming her stepfather

Haha what an irony!!!

Think of it this way, how will u feel if ur ex becomes ur parents in the future!!! Wun you feel akward? Its like hey he bedded both mum n daughter or dad n son. LOL....

And yea, COE prices just keeps falling... Its the best season to get a car if ur up to it as everything is going way low.. COE, price of new cars. I guess loans will be more attractives too with the worsen economy. However, one has to do all the calculation be4 they dump their money in! Think of the road taxes, parking, ERP, fuel and maintenance. All this will snowball into a reasonable amount even if the car itself is attractive! Worse of all, the car itself is a depreciating burdon. Might as well use the $$ to invest on property which will appreciate in future. LOL

Phews... Next week is valentines day wor... So sad no valentine for me..
Anyways if u HAVe a valentine, what will you do on that day or bring her to where?
Izzit the same stuff like having dinner? going movies? seaside? haha wats are your ideas of a perfect valentine's day. Is rose a must? lol...

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